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Educational Articles and Infographics
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Scholarly Articles
(a) Facial expression of a pain free, relaxed and attentive horse (Ill. Andrea Klintbjer). (b) Facial expression of a horse in pain, comprising all features of the pain face including asymmetrical ears (Ill. Andrea Klintbjer). (c) Facial expression of a horse in pain, comprising all features of the pain face including low ears (Ill. Andrea Klintbjer).
The specimens presented are the following: A: Day 25 embryo. B: Day 30 embryo. C and D: Day 36 embryos. E: Day 40 embryo. F: Day 54 fetus. G: Day 107 fetus. Bars = 1 cm.

4th, brain 4th ventricle; ar, abdominal region; ba, branchial arches; cc, cervical curvature; ea, ear; f, forebrain; fr, femoral region; h, hindbrain; ht, heart; li, liver; lm, limbs; m, midbrain; metr, metatarsaus region; mtr, metacarpal region; na, nail apparatus; nr, neck region; oc, oral cavity; ov, optic vesicle with the retinal pigment epithelium; pel, pelvic limb; rb, ribs; sm, somites; sr, scapular region; thl, thoracic limbs; tl, tail; uc, umbilical cord.
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