Topline Equine Veterinary Care

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Minor Surgeries
TEVC provides several minor surgical services. 
Most minor surgeries can be done at your location, as long as there is a clean, comfortable and safe place for us to perform the surgery.

We are also able to schedule and perform surgeries at our facility.

Examples of surgical services we offer:        
                                Laceration Repair
                                Mass Removal
                                Thyroid Gland Removal

​Please inquire about other minor surgeries and we will do our best to help you or direct you to a facility that can!
Major surgical procedures (colic, angular limb deformities, hysterectomy, etc.) are referred to Stillwater Equine Veterinary Clinic or the University of Minnesota.
Laceration repair
Mass removal
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Laceration/puncture repair 10/4/19
Post proud flesh removal 11/8/19
Healing progress 12/27/19